How Do I Safely
Store Medications?
Only five percent of children who misuse prescription medications say they get them from a stranger, a drug dealer or the internet. Prevent your child, friend or loved one from misusing your medications by securing them so they cannot be accessed. They can be secured in a medication lockbox, locked cabinet, locked closet, or out of reach. You can purchase a lockbox at most local pharmacies and retail stores.
Find more information at the websites below:

How Do I Monitor
My Medications?
In addition to securing your medications, you can further safeguard all medicines that have to remain at home by monitoring quantities. Regularly check to see if anything is missing, and be aware of all the prescription medications that are currently in your home. How many pills are in each of your prescription bottles or pill packets? Are you refilling your medicine more often than expected?
Learn how a home medicine inventory card can help you keep track of your medications.