Section E.7 and Exhibit D of the NC MOA establish a Coordination Group.

The coordination group includes the following twelve members:

  • One county commissioner, one county manager, one county attorney, and one county local health director or consolidated human services director – all appointed by the NC Association of County Commissioners.
  • One municipal manager appointed by the NC League of Municipalities.
  • Four experts appointed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
  • One expert appointed by the Attorney General.
  • One representative of the UNC School of Government appointed by the Speaker of the NC House of Representatives.
  • One representative from the NC Institute of Medicine appointed by the President Pro Tem of the NC Senate.

The responsibilities of the Coordination Group include the following:

  1. Review and approve the compliance supplement discussed in Section F.2 and Exhibit D of the MOA.
  2. Modify certain strategies or reporting requirements in the MOA, as described in Exhibit D of the MOA.
  3. Work with other stakeholders to help local governments make the best use of opioid settlement funds, as described in Exhibit D to the MOA.

Learn more in Exhibit D to the NC MOA.

June 21, 2023 Meeting

The Coordination Group met on June 21, 2023 and took the following actions:

Additional information is available HERE.

July 12, 2023 Meeting

The Coordination Group met on July 12, 2023 and took the following actions:

Minutes of the meeting were approved in August 2023 by an email vote of ten in favor and zero opposed (with one member abstaining because they were unable to attend the meeting). Additional information is available HERE.

May 1, 2024 Meeting

The Coordination Group met on May 1, 2024 and heard updates on the national opioid settlements; NC opioid settlements dashboards; and local government planning, implementation, and reporting. Minutes of the meeting were approved in June 2024 by an email vote of eight in favor and zero opposed.  Additional information is available here.